Get the winning solutions, it's so easy ...Logo Packsoft



Adapt, personalize, communicate so many requirements to meet in packaging !

Hence, the usefulness of Packsoft to create the winning solutions that work within your context.



With Packsoft :

  • you go 10 times faster ;
  • you get 3 times better solutions !

  10 fois plus vite et 3 fois mieux




With Packsoft :

  1. your packagings are more relevant ;
  2. you're keeping costs down :

    1. design time :  - 70 % ;

    2. packaging components : - 15 % ;

    3. storage and logistics costs : - 20 % to - 30 % ;

  3. you provide convicing documents (''one-click'' unrivalled datasheet edition).


 CoupeGagant économie convaincant




Even your special needs and requirements are answered, since we are evolving Packsoft to satisfy your specific requirements.

This results in specific modules, for example in the area of :

-    glass industry ;

-    frying pan packaging ;

-    pharmaceutical laboratories ;


bouteilles blister poêle




Better … Packsoft is part of PackTiv’.

With PackTiv’ synergies between the various departments of your company are reactive, from the Design Office to the Sale of your packed products.

The next step will be to get suppliers and clients more involved to make them ‘PackTive’ !

du BE à la distribution



Be the Best